Governing Body
Croeso / Welcome
Introducing our Governing Body, a team of extremely dedicated parents, staff and members of the local community, who are passionate about the welfare and academic development of our pupils, staff and families at Ysgol Emmanuel.
A governor is someone who:
- is a volunteer;
- cares about teaching, learning and children;
- represents those people with a key interest in the school, including parents , staff, the local community and the LA;
- is part of a team which accepts responsibility for everything a school does;
- has time to commit to meetings and other occasions when needed;
- is willing to learn;
- is able to act as a critical friend who supports the school but also challenges and asks questions about how the school works and the standards it achieves;
- acts as a link between parents, the local community, the LA and the school.
The Governing body discuss and analyse in detail ways in which we can continue to move forward, ensuring that our school continues to offer a safe, happy, healthy and nurturing learning environment for our pupils and staff. Our team of Governors act as a critical friend to the school and they are the school's vital support network, enabling us to explore ways to continue to facilitate academic progress and spark passion and love of learning.
We would like to thank our Governing Body for their time, dedication and continuous support.
Andrew Wilde - Chair of Governors
Gill Howe - Vice Chair
Rona Archer - Headteacher
Anne Jones OBE - Local Authority Governor
Cheryl Williams - Local Authority Governor
Lee Griffiths - Community Governor
Rachel Mellor - Community Governor
Stephen Fenney - Community Governor
Christine Maitland-Price - Community Governor
Linda Coleman - Teacher Governor
Kyle Ellis - Teacher Governor
Rachel Roberts - Support Staff Governor
Nicola Jones-Ball - Parent Governor
Andrew Wilde - Parent Governor
Sarah Hendon - Parent Governor
Gill Howe - Parent Governor
Vacancy - Parent Governor
'The core functions of a governing body include: setting and monitoring the organisation's mission, purpose, direction, priorities and strategies within the boundaries of its constitution and legal obligations'.