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Ysgol Emmanuel

Learn, Grow, Achieve - Dysgu, Tyfu, Cyflawni

Headteacher Governor

A headteacher will be a full member of the governing body of their school unless they choose not to be a governor. If a headteacher decides not to be a governor they are still entitled to attend all meetings of the governing body. The special position of the headteacher governor is important if a good relationship is to be maintained between the head and the governing body. The headteacher will:

  • report to governors but also involve governors closely in the running of the school (without, of course, avoiding their own responsibilities);
  • be honest, direct and open with governors;
  • establish a good rapport with the chairperson of the governing body;
  • use simple and direct language rather than technical educational jargon;
  • create a climate where governors feel welcome in the school and not just when governing body meetings are held.