Policies are important because they help a school establish rules and procedures and create standards of quality for learning and safety, as well as expectations and accountability. Without these, schools would lack the structure and function necessary to provide the educational needs of students.
School Policies
- 367 - Emmanuel - Final List - 06.10.22 (2).pdf
- Anti-bullying policy.pdf
- Attendance Policy 2023.pdf
- Behaviour Policy.pdf
- Charging & Remissions policy.pdf
- COMPLAINTS POLICY 2023 English.pdf
- Data Protection Policy.pdf
- EAL POLICY Sept 2022.pdf
- Equal Opportunties Policy.doc.pdf
- Food and Fitness Policy.pdf
- Health and Safety Policy 2023.pdf
- Homework Policy.pdf
- Looked-after-children policy 2023.pdf
- Managing pupil healthcare needs policy 2023.pdf
- MARKING AND FEEDBACK POLICY reviewed Sept 22.pdf
- Privacy Notice.pdf
- Racial Equality Policy.pdf
- Safeguarding English Version 5 Oct 22.pdf
- School Uniform Policy .pdf
- Sex and Relationship Education Policy.pdf
- Strategic-Equality-Plan-for-Schools 2020-2024 YE.pdf
- Inclusion Protocol Policy .pdf