School Uniform
Ysgol Emmanuel School Uniform Policy
School Uniform Policy
Polisi gwisg ysgol
What a child wears to school reflects his/her attitude to learning. All children are expected to wear school uniform.
Red cardigan/sweatshirth with school logo
White polo shirt
Grey/black skirt/trousers
Black shoes
Pupils are no longer expected to wear ties due to Covid restrictions.
All pupils must wear school uniform, if pupils attend school wearing their home clothes, a phone call home will be made asking for uniform to be worn.
PE and Games kit
It is important for pupils to wear correct clothing for physical activities. Children require dark shorts or cycling shorts and a red PE t-shirt and appropriate footwear.
Please ensure haircuts do not include tramlines, logos etc. If pupils attend school with inappropriate haircuts a phone call wil be made to ask oyu to chnage this to an apporpriate style. Hair should not be dyed and should be tied up if longer than shoulder length to avoid the spread of head lice.
Watches are the only item of jewellery considered appropriate for school. For pupils with pierced ears studs must be worn.
Please note staff are not allowed to remove or look after jewellery for children. The safest place is at home.
Please make sure that you write your child's name in their uniform. This avoids confusion for your child, and stress for yourself! We also feel it is a good idea to write your child's name on their coats, book bags and lunch box.