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Ysgol Emmanuel

Learn, Grow, Achieve - Dysgu, Tyfu, Cyflawni

Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-bullying week


Today we are supporting Anti-Bullying week. Pupils and staff are wearing blue to show our support, along with many various activities taking place throughout the school.


Anti-Bullying Week is coordinated by the Anti Bullying Alliance. The week shines a light on bullying and encourages children, teachers and parents to take action throughout the year. This year, the theme is: 'All Different, All Equal'.


The aims of Anti-Bullying Week is to empower children to celebrate what makes them and others unique, to help children understand it is important for everyone to feel valued and included and to be themselves without fear of bullying.


We encourage all parents and carers to talk to their children about bullying and to work with the school. For more information on Anti-Bullying Week and the Anti Bullying Alliance, please visit their website. They have some fantastic tips and advice available.


Our children have been very busy today with their Anti-Bullying activities!

(Pictures coming soon)
